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美['fɪnləs]  英['fɪnləs]
adj.  无翼片的(无散热片的)


  1. Now, it is time to find ways to save the Finless Porpoise. 现在,是时候寻求拯救白鳍豚的时候了。
  2. The Finless Porpoise is another resident marine mammal species. 此外,江豚是另一种在本港海域栖居的海洋哺乳类动物。
  3. The finless eel ate the earthworm in front in one bite. 黄鳝一口就把眼前的蛐蟮吃掉了。
  4. The waters around Soko Islands are important habitats for the Chinese white dolphin and Finless porpoise. 大小鸦洲邻近水域是中华白海豚与江豚的重要生境。
  5. Without urgent protection, China‘s finless porpoise may soon go the way of the Baiji. 如果不采取紧急措施,中国特有物种江豚很可能步白暨豚的后尘。
  6. The Sokos waters are also unique being the only location where the Chinese white dolphin and the Finless porpoise co-occur in local waters. 大鸦洲水域更是本地唯一有中华白海豚和江豚出没的生境。