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美['fɪstɪk]  英['fɪstɪk]
adj.  拳击的


  1. The fistic meeting has all the makings of fight of the year. 从各方面来看,这场拳击的盛会将成为今年的“年度之战”。
  2. Indeed, it's reputed as the classic fistic play, which is hard earned throughout China. 其经典招法有:顺擒箭锤、寒鸡递掌等。
  3. Have already worn gloves to carry on a fistic condition in a Greece mural of 1500 B. 一幅公元前1500年的希腊壁画中就有戴手套进行拳击的场面。
  4. The fistic play is demonstrated by Zhong Xianglin, who is in charge of Yu-styled Martial arts of Emei School. 手法包括冲、挑、搂、抱、刁、钻、穿、劈以及宰肘、挂肘、叠肘、坐肘等打击性很强的独特肘法。
  5. Their exercises in the early morning include fistic arts, fencing, calisthenics, folk dancing, walking and mountain climbing. 运动的项目包罗万象,有练拳、练剑、作柔软操,跳土风舞,以及散步、爬山等。
  6. Woman fistic upsurge tends after the show with one dramatic act insipid, that is the sexual distinction on boxing stage big fight. 女子拳击的热潮在一幕戏剧性的演出之后趋于平淡,那就是拳台上的性别大战。