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美[flə'dʒɪʃəs]  英[flə'dʒɪʃəs]
adj.  穷凶极恶的;凶恶无耻的
  副词:flagitiously  名词:flagitiousness


  1. extremely wicked, deeply criminal;

    "a flagitious crime" "heinous accusations"

  2. shockingly brutal or cruel;

    "murder is an atrocious crime" "a grievous offense against morality" "a grievous crime" "no excess was too monstrous for them to commit"


  1. It is well known, wolf's natural disposition is flagitious. 众所周知,狼的本性是凶残的。
  2. What true is inconceivable was we still permits flagitious, the dangerous sports existence now in this time. 真正不可思议的是在当今这个时代我们仍然允许凶残、危险的体育活动的存在。
  3. The young gentleman had employed a course of the most persevering and flagitious artifices to win the girl's heart. 那位先生为了骗取一个姑娘的心,曾经处心积虑,用尽卑鄙的手段。
  4. That's the vast sea, gale, storm, huge wave, fierce marlin, flagitious shark, a fish boat, an old man, a fight between man and nature. 浩瀚的海洋、狂风、暴雨、巨浪,凶猛的马林鱼,凶恶的鲨鱼,一只渔船,一个老人,一场人与自然的较量。
  5. But pond local police station Instructor Liu told the reporters, this extermination document is he the most flagitious case which has seen since the police 20 years. 可塘派出所刘指导员告诉记者,这起灭门案是他从警20年以来看到的最为凶残的案件。
  6. Under Lu in several scoundrels flagitious beats mercilessly crawls the vehicle bottom, the scoundrel faced on Lu's leg with the pointed knife straight from the shoulder to puncture two knives. 吕某在几名歹徒凶残的毒打下爬进车底,歹徒用尖刀朝吕某的腿上狠狠地刺了两刀。