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美['flæmənveəfə]  英['flæmənveəfə]
n.  喷火器(火焰喷射器;打火机)


  1. Wehrmacht Flammenwerfer upgrade cost reduced from 100 to 75 munitions. 国防军半履带喷火器升级价格从100弹药降低为75弹药。
  2. Axis Flammenwerfer Range increased to match Croc flamer range. Increased upgrade price to 125 Munitions from 100. 喷火车的射程增加到和鳄式相同。升级消耗弹药从100增加到125。
  3. Flammenwerfer upgrade price to 125 Mun (from 100). Damage increased to 40-20 from 30-10. Range is now 25. 半履带车火焰喷射器升级由100弹药增加到125,威力由10-30增加到20-40,射程由20米增加到25米。
  4. When a grenade wounded several of the Germans, they decided to retreat, leaving the flammenwerfer and one seriously wounded grenadier behind. 当一枚手榴弹炸伤了好几个德军后,他们决定撤退,把火焰喷射器和一个重伤的掷弹兵丢在了后头。
  5. Approximately 5-6 panzergrenadiers armed with grenades and a flammenwerfer approached the positions of the 2nd Platoon, B/120th Infantry. 大约5到6名配备手榴弹和火焰喷射器的掷弹兵靠近了第120步兵团B连2排的阵地。