FlashCube allows dialogue material to be downloaded separately. “回旋闪光灯”的计算机程式,可容许单独下载对话内容。
The pinyin exercises on flashCube (initials, rhymes, tones) provide useful contrasts and combinations for learning both the sound of Chinese and the pinyin symbols. 拼音练习包含在“闪光灯程序”中(声母、韵母、声调),这个练习可以为学习汉语语音和拼音符号提供有益的对比和整合。
The pinyin exercises on flashCube( initials, rhymes, tones) provide useful contrasts and combinations for learning both the sound of Chinese and the pinyin symbols. 拼音练习包含在“闪光灯程序”中(母、母、调)这个练习可以为学习汉语语音和拼音符号提供有益的对比和整合。