parasitic or free-living worms having a flattened body
Delicate as a flower petal, a marine flatworm glides along in the Pacific Ocean near Micronesia's Yap Islands. 意译:精巧的像一朵花瓣,一条海中扁形虫悄悄地沿着太平洋的密克罗尼西亚群岛的吠岛。
This toxic flatworm's vivid markings spell danger to potential predators along Hawaii's coral reefs. 沿着夏威夷的珊瑚礁,这条有毒的扁形虫身上色彩鲜艳的印记是对潜在捕猎者的警告。
A simple introduction to the earthworm, roundworm, flatworm, and other kinds of worms. 书中简单介绍了蚯蚓、蛔虫、扁形虫和其它种类的蠕虫。
We investigated the neuronal construction of brain cells in poIyclad flatworm Planocero retucylata. 本文报道了扁形动物门涡虫纲多肠目海产种类平角涡虫脑神经节的显微结构。
Photo Gallery: Underwater Creatures Delicate as a flower petal, a marine flatworm glides along in the Pacific Ocean near Micronesia's Yap Islands. 意译:水下生物照片集。优美的像一朵花的花瓣,海上的扁形虫滑动沿着太平洋附近的密克罗尼西亚的雅浦群岛。
Somewhere in the middle may be schistosomiasis, a debilitating disease caused by a parasitic flatworm carried by water snails, which affects 200m people worldwide. 居于这些层次中间的可能是血吸虫病,一种由寄生于钉螺的扁平虫引起的影响患者健康的疾病,它影响着世界上2亿左右的人口。