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flesh and blood是什么意思

flesh and blood

美[fleʃəndblʌd]  英[fleʃændblʌd]


  1. It was more than flesh and blood could bear.这是血肉之躯无法忍受的。
  2. They give their flesh as offerings as Jesus did.他们就像耶稣基督那样奉献出自己的血肉之躯。
  3. The girl was the old man's own flesh and blood.这女孩是老人的亲骨肉。
  4. They should be with their blood kin.他们本来应该同他们的亲骨肉住在一起。
  5. As she got older and older, her relatives all died off.她到年老时,她的亲属都先后离开了人世。
  6. Maybe you can go live with your aunt and uncle, or other relatives.或许你可以和叔叔和姑姑或其他亲属一起生活。
  7. It was a flesh and blood performance.这是一次真实的演出。
  8. Real life was gloomy and strenuous.真实的生活又沉闷又紧张。