Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a foremother of American feminist literature. 夏洛特?帕金斯?吉尔曼是美国女性主义文学的鼻祖。
Alice Walker, one of the most contemporary influential black woman writer honors Hurston as "A Genius of the South" and her "literary foremother". 当代美国著名黑人女作家艾丽斯·沃克赞誉赫斯顿为“南方天才”和她的“文学之母”。
Chapter Three offers readers the reasons of Hurston's being forgotten and her rediscovery, thus points out that Hurston as a literary foremother of black women writers exerts great influence on them. 第三章,分析赫斯顿和其作品被遗忘和发掘的原因,指出赫斯顿作为现当代黑人女性作家的“文学之母”对她们的巨大影响。
As the foremother of the contemporary black female writers, 响、以及后代作家(特别是黑人女作家)之反馈。