These are problems that cannot be resolved in the forseeable future. 在可预见的将来,这些问题同样并无好转可能。
Buddy, let's say goodbye here; hope to see you in the forseeable future. 兄弟,咱们就此别过,后会有期!
Citing an "impeccable source," The Post reported that Van Gundy is leaving NBA coaching for the forseeable future. 根据可靠消息在未来可见的一段时间内,范甘迪将会远离NBA的教练职务。
Series A rounds, where you raise a million dollars or more, will be custom deals for the forseeable future. 在可预见的未来,成熟期的企业在融资100万以上美元时,仍然需要个性化的合同。
UKCT (UK Compu-Team) have collectively decided to close the CTRA for the forseeable future. UKCT (英国计算小组)集体决定关闭CTRA在可预见的未来。
Such an opening to the outside world, Nothing cannot drive away our worries, The dream of a powerful country, Not within the forseeable future. 如此开放,令人担忧,强国之梦,遥遥无期。