If you do that again I'll give you a fourpenny one! 如果你再那样干,我就揍你!
I'll give you a fourpenny one if you do not behave better. 你再不听话就给你一巴掌。
And altogether I paid pretty dear for my monthly fourpenny piece, in the shape of these abominable fancies. 总之,我为这每月四便士的报酬付出的代价太大了,不断地受到这些噩梦的折磨。
Altogether I paid pretty dear for my monthly fourpenny piece, in the shape of these abominable fancies. 总之,在这种可恶地幻想出来的朦胧形象当中,我为那每月的四个便士付出了相当昂贵的代价。
One day,he took me aside and promised me a sliver fourpenny on the first of every month if I would keep my eye open for a sailor with one leg and let him know the moment he appeared. 有一天他把我拉到一边,向我保证每月初给我四便士,如果我能留心注意一个只有一条腿的水手,并且在他(水手)出现的那一刻告诉他。
Altogether I paid pretty dear for my monthly fourpenny piece, in the shape of these abominable fancies 总之,在这种可恶地幻想出来的朦胧形象当中,我为那每月的四个便士付出了相当昂贵的代价。