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美['freɪmfoʊn]  英['fræŋkəfəʊn]
n.  (尤指在使用两种或多种语言国度里的)操法语者;讲法语的(当地)人
adj.  讲法语的


  1. One can expect the worst regulation in the world in a poor Francophone country. 人们可以料想,全世界监管水平最差的国家是个贫困的说法语的国家。
  2. His books and are widely read by the francophone young Muslims in France. 还我真理!有人说回归古兰经和圣训是\\"挖哈宾也\\",无奈;
  3. To become acquainted with French and Francophone customs, history and civilization on a simple scale. 对于法国与法语系国家的风俗、历史、和文明,有初步的了解。
  4. ASECNA -- the Agency for Aviation Security and Navigation in Africa and Madagascar -- covers Francophone Africa. ASECNA名叫非洲和马达加斯加航空安全机构,它负责非洲法语国家的航空安全。
  5. These will also be supplemented with activities based on French videos and Francophone web sites. 此外,还会搭配法文的影片及法文网站。
  6. Since the 1960s, Julien Clerc has been one of the most popular singer-songwriters in the Francophone world. 朱里安-克拉克是二十世纪60年代以来法语世界著名的歌手/曲作家。