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美['frɔːdstər]  英['frɔːdstə(r)]
n.  <英>诈骗犯


  1. The typical fraudster is aged between 36 and 55. 85%25的舞弊者都是男性,年龄介于36岁至55岁之间。
  2. The key point for a fraudster is not to be discovered. 对于一个欺诈者来说,关键的一点是不能被发现。
  3. In some cases, the fraudster did not even register to provide investment opportunities,” said Quinton. 在某些情况中,骗子们从未注册为投资顾问。”
  4. Not even the best of regulators (and the SEC is not that) can be sure of stopping a determined fraudster. 别说证券交易委员会不是最好的监管机构,就算是最好的也无法阻止一个蓄谋已久的诈骗犯。
  5. To his erstwhile employer, he is a fraudster who has cost the French bank its reputation as well as its money. 对于之前的雇主兴业银行,他是一个给兴业银行声誉和资产造成巨大损失的骗子。
  6. Lawyers are also targeting investors who withdrew their funds (plus fictional interest) before the fraudster's arrest. 律师们也将目标锁顶在那些在诈骗犯被捕之前就钱撤回的投资者。