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美['friːbeɪs]  英['friːbeɪs]
vi.  <美俚>加热吸用(精炼的可卡因)
  异体字:free-base  名词:freebaser  过去式:freebased  过去分词:freebased  现在分词:freebasing  第三人称单数:freebases


  1. The drug is variously known as crack or freebase. 这种毒品的叫法五花八门,有人称为crack,也有人叫它freebase。
  2. Metaweb Technologies, a firm set up by Mr Hillis and his co-founders, Robert Cook and John Giannandrea, aims to do exactly that with Freebase, a website that sits on top of a new kind of database. 似曾相识的错觉。由于有大批的个人和组织拥有不公开但是却有价值的数据,所以希利斯认为下一步要做的就是利用互联网对数据进行共享。
  3. [NOTE 4] Anhydrous magnesium sulphate can be used and rinse with a little ether to extract all the freebase out. [注4 ]无水硫酸镁可用于冲洗和一个小醚提取所有freebase了。
  4. "In altered, more potent, cheaper forms (freebase, crack), cocaine is injected or smoked and is extremely addictive (see drug addiction) and detrimental to health." 古柯碱还可以注射法或化学烟雾法吸食,然上瘾性更强,对人体健康的伤害亦较大。
  5. - Do a little freebase, maybe? - 你偶尔吸一点点可卡因吗?