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美[f'riːzɪŋlɪ]  英[f'riːzɪŋlɪ]
adv.  冰冻般地;冷漠地


  1. Mrs Reed's hand still lay on her work inactive; her eyes of ice continued to dwell freezingly on mine. 里德太太的手还一动不动地搁在她的活计上;她那冰冷的眼睛还冷冷地盯着我。
  2. Mrs. Reed's hand still lay on her work inactive; her eyes of ice continued to dwell freezingly on mine. 里德太太的手还一动不动地搁在她的活计上;她那冰冷的眼睛还冷冷地盯着我。
  3. Mrs. Reed's hands still lay on her work inactive: her eye of ice continued to dwell freezingly on mine. 里德太太的手仍一动不动地放在她的活儿上,冷冰冰的目光,继续阴丝丝地凝视着我。
  4. Or that I simply want to keep my computers busy, and since I work in a freezingly cold office, the hot air coming from the vent of my laptop is alway nice to keep my fingers warm. 呃,我直接翻译吧“也许我只不过想让我的电脑满负荷运行,因为我在一个跟冰窖一样冷的办公室里工作,从笔记本电脑的散热空中散发的热风总是恰到好处的温暖着我的手指。freezingly cold经常出现在一起,表示冷得不能在冷了。
  5. When the kid who was in same age as my son started to take a step towards their parents and call them “Dad” &“Mom” with liquid voice, Xinxin still stayed freezingly with stupid smile. 当和新新一般大的孩子开始迈着步子,清脆地喊着爸爸妈妈的时候,新新依旧呆呆坐在那里,傻傻地笑着。
  6. "but it is freezingly cold. 钻进我的皮衣里来吧。”