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美[freʃ]  英[freʃ]
adj.  新鲜的;清新的;新近的;无经验的
adv.  最近地
  副词:freshly  比较级:fresher  最高级:freshest  名词:freshness


  1. 清新的
  2. 新鲜的
  3. 新近的
  4. 新的
  5. 淡的
  6. 凉爽的
  7. 清凉的
  8. 新到的
  9. 气色好的
  10. 无经验的
  11. 另外的
  12. 新近出现的
  13. 鲜艳的
  14. 清爽的
  15. 洁净的
  16. 明净的
  17. 亮丽的
  1. 刚用完
  2. 最近地
  1. 暴涨
  2. 泛滥
  3. 开始
  4. 一日之初
  5. <口>新生
  6. 淡水池
  7. 淡水流
  8. 新生
  9. 春汛
  10. 一段清爽的时期
  11. 涌流
  12. “清水级”(英国制造的供水船)
  1. 变新鲜


  1. 新鲜的,非冷藏的 (of food) not preserved by freezing, putting in cans, or other means
  2. 新的,新到的,新近的 that has recently arrived, happened, grown, been found, or been supplied
  3. [P]精神饱满的,生气勃勃的 not tired, young, healthy and active
  4. [A]另外的,外加的; 重新的 another and different; new
  5. [A](水)淡的,无盐味的 (of water) not salty


  1. recently made, produced, or harvested;

    "fresh bread" "a fresh scent" "fresh lettuce"

  2. (of a cycle) beginning or occurring again;

    "a fresh start" "fresh ideas"

  3. imparting vitality and energy;

    "the bracing mountain air"

  4. original and of a kind not seen before;

    "the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem"

  5. not canned or otherwise preserved;

    "fresh vegetables"

  6. not containing or composed of salt water;

    "fresh water"

  7. having recently calved and therefore able to give milk;

    "the cow is fresh"

  8. with restored energy
  9. not soured or preserved;

    "sweet milk"

  10. free from impurities;

    "clean water" "fresh air"

  11. not yet used or soiled;

    "a fresh shirt" "a fresh sheet of paper" "an unused envelope"

  12. improperly forward or bold;

    "don't be fresh with me" "impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup" "an impudent boy given to insulting strangers" "Don't get wise with me!"

  1. very recently;

    "they are newly married" "newly raised objections" "a newly arranged hairdo" "grass new washed by the rain" "a freshly cleaned floor" "we are fresh out of tomatoes"


  1. fresh cakes新鲜的蛋糕
  2. fresh coffee新鲜的咖啡
  3. fresh eggs鲜蛋
  4. fresh fish鲜鱼
  5. fresh food新鲜的食物
  6. fresh fruit新鲜水果
  7. fresh hand新手
  8. fresh light新见解
  9. fresh man大学一年级学生
  10. fresh meat鲜肉
  11. fresh news新消息
  12. fresh paint新涂的油漆
  13. fresh vegetables新鲜的蔬菜
  14. fresh water淡水
  15. fresh water fish淡水鱼
  1. fresh from刚从…(出)来的
  2. fresh from a university刚从大学毕业的
  3. fresh from abroad刚从国外回来的
  4. fresh from the country刚从乡下来的
  5. fresh from school刚从学校毕业的
  6. fresh in the memory记忆犹新的
  7. fresh with sb对某人无礼


  1. Some tribes migrate with their cattle in search of fresh grass.有些部落为了寻找新鲜的牧草而带着他们的牲畜迁移。
  2. Open the window and let in some fresh air.打开窗户,让新鲜的空气进来。
  3. When fresh supplies come into the market, we can revert to your enquiry.等新货上市时,我们才能回头考虑你们的询盘。
  4. I feel really fresh after my holiday.我度假之後真觉得又精神饱满了。
  5. Both countries are now dealing with fresh revolts that are loosely connected.这两个国家目前都在打击着关联不大的新近的反叛运动。
  6. There was no sense in courting fate with a new, able, and psychologically fresh group.把命运同一批能干的、但心理上无经验的新人拴在一起是没有什么意思的。


    fresh作“新的,新鲜的”解时,表示一件事物原有的外貌、质量、活力等没有因时间或被使用过而失去清新、活力或鲜艳等特征。 fresh作“新的,新到的,新近的”解时,指最近发生的动作或状态,也可指对事物客观地、独特性的判断或思想,无比较级或最高级形式。 fresh作“精神饱满的,生气勃勃的”解时,是表语形容词,指人不觉得累、积极的、精神饱满的,也可指老年人像年轻人一样生气勃勃。 fresh作“另外的,外加的”解时是定语形容词,没有比较级和最高级形式。 fresh还可指水或汤等无盐味,是定语形容词,没有比较级和最高级形式。