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美[fret]  英[fret]
v.  (使)烦恼;(使)焦急;(使)磨损;侵蚀
n.  [音]音品;音柱
  过去式:fretted  过去分词:fretted  现在分词:fretting  第三人称单数:frets


  1. 用万字浮雕装饰,用回纹装饰,以刻出的或锯出的图案装饰,用格子细工装饰
  2. 使苦恼,使烦躁,使发愁,使焦急,使烦恼
  3. 蛀蚀,侵蚀,腐蚀,磨损
  4. 苦恼,烦躁,发愁,烦恼,焦虑不安
  5. 被腐蚀,被磨损,使消损
  6. 起波纹
  7. 使(水面)起波纹使,(水面)起浪
  8. 把(弦)压在档子上
  9. 侵蚀成通道,(通过腐蚀、侵蚀等)打通,凿穿
  1. 苦恼,烦躁,烦恼,担忧,焦急
  2. (斑卓琴、吉他、曼陀林琴等弦乐器指板上定音的)档子,品,柱,桥,马
  3. 磨损处,腐蚀处
  4. 侵蚀,腐蚀,磨损
  5. 【建】万字浮雕,回纹饰,网状饰物
  6. 弓上木头的毛病


  1. vt. & vi. (使)不愉快,烦躁 (cause to) become unhappy,bad-tempered,or anxious about sth;worry
  1. [S]烦躁,担忧 state of irritation,worry


  1. agitation resulting from active worry;

    "don't get in a stew" "he's in a sweat about exams"

  2. a spot that has been worn away by abrasion or erosion
  3. an ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines (often in relief);

    "there was a simple fret at the top of the walls"

  4. a small bar of metal across the fingerboard of a musical instrument; when the string is stopped by a finger at the metal bar it will produce a note of the desired pitch
  1. worry unnecessarily or excessively;

    "don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now"

  2. be agitated or irritated;

    "don't fret over these small details"

  3. provide (a musical instrument) with frets;

    "fret a guitar"

  4. become or make sore by or as if by rubbing
  5. cause annoyance in
  6. gnaw into; make resentful or angry;

    "The injustice rankled her" "his resentment festered"

  7. carve a pattern into
  8. decorate with an interlaced design
  9. be too tight; rub or press;

    "This neckband is choking the cat"

  10. cause friction;

    "my sweater scratches"

  11. remove soil or rock;

    "Rain eroded the terraces"

  12. wear away or erode


  1. You always get yourself into a fret over nothing.你总为了莫须有的事,把自己弄得烦恼不已。
  2. Don't fret over these small details.不要为这些小事烦恼。
  3. But Canadians are grumpy.They worry about government ethics, but they fret even more about things like the state of their health-care system.但是加拿大人是乖戾的,他们担心政府的道德问题,但他们更为诸如医疗保健体制状况之类的问题焦急。
  1. As she spoke we could see that she was in a fret.她讲话时,我们看得出她很烦躁。
  2. Now Russia is the top focus in Washington and some veteran diplomats fret about the situation spiraling out of control.现在俄罗斯开始成了华盛顿高度戒备的地方,很多有经验的外交家们也为担心形势失控而烦躁忧虑。
  3. But Canadians are grumpy.They worry about government ethics, but they fret even more about things like the state of their health-care system.但是加拿大人是乖戾的,他们担心政府的道德问题,但他们更为诸如医疗保健体制状况之类的问题焦急。