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美[frend]  英[frend]
n.  朋友;支持者;友人
vt.  与 ... 为友
  形容词:friendless  名词:friendlessness  过去式:friended  过去分词:friended  现在分词:friending  第三人称单数:friends


  1. 朋友,友人
  2. 支持者,赞助者
  3. 同胞,同伴,自己人
  4. 同情者
  5. 有帮助的事物
  6. 下议院议员间的称呼
  7. 法院律师间的称呼
  8. 助手,随从
  9. 近亲,家属
  10. 【宗】公谊会教友
  11. 同伙,同盟者,同志
  1. 帮助,协助
  2. 与…为友,以朋友态度对待,亲近


  1. [C]朋友,友人 person that you like and know very well
  2. [C]同胞; 自己人,同盟者 person who is of the same country, group, etc. as oneself; ally
  3. [C]极有益或熟悉的事物 thing that is very helpful or familiar


  1. a person you know well and regard with affection and trust;

    "he was my best friend at the university"

  2. an associate who provides cooperation or assistance;

    "he's a good ally in fight"

  3. a person with whom you are acquainted;

    "I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances" "we are friends of the family"

  4. a person who backs a politician or a team etc.;

    "all their supporters came out for the game" "they are friends of the library"

  5. a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers)


  1. assist a friend帮助朋友
  2. back up a friend支持朋友
  3. become friends with sb和某人交朋友
  4. break with a friend和朋友绝交
  5. call on a friend拜访朋友
  6. choose a friend选择朋友
  7. forget a friend忘记朋友
  8. get a friend交朋友
  9. have a friend有朋友
  10. invite a friend邀请朋友
  11. keep friends with sb与某人保持友好
  12. make friends (with sb)(和某人)交朋友
  13. meet a friend迎接〔看到,遇到〕朋友
  14. miss one's friend想念朋友
  15. see a friend看望朋友
  16. sell one's friend出卖朋友
  17. stand up for one's friend支持朋友
  18. stay friends with sb与某人保持友好
  19. thank a friend感谢朋友
  20. visit a friend拜访朋友
  21. win a friend赢得朋友
  1. best friend最好的朋友
  2. casual friend偶然认识的朋友
  3. close friend亲密的朋友
  4. common friend共同的朋友
  5. dear friend亲爱的朋友
  6. distinguished friend尊贵的朋友
  7. false friend虚伪的朋友
  8. familiar friend熟悉的朋友
  9. far-away friend远方的朋友
  10. fast friend可靠的朋友
  11. firm friend盟友
  12. foreign friend外国朋友
  13. good friend好朋友
  14. great friend知己
  15. international friend国际友人
  16. low-brow friend低级趣味的朋友
  17. loyal friend忠诚的朋友
  18. new friend新朋友
  19. old friend老朋友
  20. old-time friend从前的朋友
  21. personal friend私人朋友
  22. real friend真正的朋友
  23. seeming friend表面上的朋友
  24. selfish friend自私的朋友
  25. sometime friend以前的朋友
  26. tried friend可靠的朋友,经过考验的朋友
  27. true friend忠实的朋友
  28. unfailing friend可靠的朋友
  29. warm friend亲热的朋友
  1. boy friend男(的)朋友
  2. childhood friend孩提时代的朋友
  3. family friend家庭共同的朋友
  4. girl friend女(的)朋友
  5. New Year postcard friend只是在新年寄张贺年卡的朋友
  6. school friend同学,校友
  1. among friends在朋友中间
  2. as a friend作为朋友
  3. circle of friends朋友圈子
  4. through a friend通过朋友(的帮助)
  1. friend in days of simple life布衣之交
  2. friend in need患难朋友
  3. friend of〔to〕…的支持者或赞助者
  4. friend to truth拥护真理的人


  1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之交才是真朋友。
  2. My friend invited me to dine out.我的朋友邀请我出去吃饭。
  3. I made friends with Bill in high school.我和比尔在高中就成为朋友。
  4. Mr. Green has been a friend of community charity.格林先生一直是社区慈善事业的支持者。
  5. He has been a good friend to me.他一向是我的赞助者。
  6. The death of his friend made him sad at heart.友人之死使他十分伤心。
  1. A joke never gains an enemy but loses a friend.戏谑不能化敌为友,只能使人失去朋友。
  2. Every man desiring to be a friend of this world makes himself a hater of God.所以凡想要与世俗为友的,就是与神为敌了。


    friend的基本意思是“朋友,友人”,一般没有血缘关系。引申为“同胞”或“自己人”“同盟者”,还可指“极有益或熟悉的事物”。其首字母大写时可表示“(基督教)公谊会教友”。 friend可用于在公开场合对人的称呼。 friend常与介词of或to连用,表示“…的支持者或赞助者”。 be〔make, keep〕 friends with sb 中的主语和宾语不论是单数还是复数, friends总是复数形式。