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美[frʌnt]  英[frʌnt]
n.  正面;前面;前线;【气象学】锋
vt.  朝向;面对;对付
vi.  面朝;掩护
adj.  前面的
  过去式:fronted  过去分词:fronted  现在分词:fronting  第三人称单数:fronts


  1. 正面
  2. 前面,前部
  3. 战线,阵线,前线
  4. 外表
  5. 态度,举止
  6. 门面
  7. 临海的地方
  8. 海滨散步道
  9. 方面
  10. <口>掩护,掩护者
  11. 【气】锋
  12. 装模作样
  13. 正面座位
  14. 战地
  1. 前面的,前部的,前方的,(位置)在前的
  2. 正面的
  3. <口>作掩护的
  4. 【语】舌前的
  5. 最前的
  6. 前(元音)的
  1. 在前面
  2. 向前
  1. 朝向,面对,面向
  2. 装饰…的正面
  3. 对抗,对付
  4. 【语】把...发成舌前音,把(发音部位)移前
  5. 为...作掩护
  6. 【军】向着正面
  7. 在…前面
  8. 用…作正面; 用…覆盖正面
  9. 领导,代表,主持
  10. 与…相遇
  11. 使面对,使面临,使遭遇
  12. 对…满不在乎
  13. 作挂名的领袖,作名誉代表作
  14. 在收到货物之前先提前付款,提前支付


  1. [S]前面,前部; 正面 the position directly before sb/sth; the surface or part facing towards, outwards, or upwards
  2. [S]前线,战线,阵线 a line along which fighting takes place in time of war, together the part behind it concerned with supplies
  3. [S]外表或样子 outward appearance or show
  4. [C](避暑地的湖滨或海滨的)散步道 a road, often built up and having a protecting wall, by the edge of the sea, especially in a town where people go for holidays
  5. [C](气)锋 a line of separation between two masses of air of different temperature
  6. [S]作为(秘密、非法活动的)掩蔽物 sth that serves to hide an illegal or a secret activity
  1. [A]前面的,前部的; 正面的 of (the) front; being at (the) front
  1. vt. 作…的正面 supply with a front
  2. vt. & vi. 面向,朝向 face towards


  1. the side that is forward or prominent
  2. the line along which opposing armies face each other
  3. the outward appearance of a person;

    "he put up a bold front"

  4. the side that is seen or that goes first
  5. a person used as a cover for some questionable activity
  6. a sphere of activity involving effort;

    "the Japanese were active last week on the diplomatic front" "they advertise on many different fronts"

  7. (meteorology) the atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary between two different air masses
  8. the immediate proximity of someone or something;

    "she blushed in his presence" "he sensed the presence of danger" "he was well behaved in front of company"

  9. the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer;

    "he walked to the front of the stage"

  10. a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals;

    "he was a charter member of the movement" "politicians have to respect a mass movement" "he led the national liberation front"

  1. relating to or located in the front;

    "the front lines" "the front porch"

  1. be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to;

    "The house looks north" "My backyard look onto the pond" "The building faces the park"

  2. confront bodily;

    "breast the storm"


  1. change front改变方向
  2. come to the front出风头,出名
  3. look to front往前看
  4. form a front against组成反对…的战线
  5. go to the front上前线
  6. start for the front出发上战场
  1. smiling front笑脸
  2. industrial front工业战线
  3. united front统一战线
  1. water front(城镇)靠海(湖)的一边
  1. in front前面
  2. in front of在…前面
  3. in the front of在…前面
  4. upon the front of在正面
  5. at the front在前线
  6. soldiers at the front前线的战士
  7. news from the front来自前线的消息
  8. on the front在…战线
  1. front audience面对观众
  2. front the enemy面对敌人
  3. front the truth面对事实
  1. front bravely勇敢地面对
  2. front calmly冷静地面对
  3. front east朝向东方
  1. front for为…作掩护,对…负责
  2. front for the mob为暴民作掩护
  3. front on朝向
  4. front on the sea面向大海
  5. front with用…作正面


  1. The front of the postcard shows a picture of our hotel.明信片正面是我们旅馆的图片。
  2. Put the statue so that the front faces the light.把雕像摆好,让正面向著光。
  3. The front of the building was covered with ivy.建筑物的前面爬满了常春藤。
  4. The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake.我前面那辆小汽车突然停住,我只好刹车。
  5. That morning we received a report from the front.那天早上,我们收到了从前线送来的一份报告。
  1. This building fronts the railway station.这栋建筑面朝火车站。
  2. Attractive gardens fronted the houses.这些房子的前面都有漂亮的花园
  3. We may argue among ourselves, but against the management we must present a united front.我们内部不妨有争论,但对付资方我们必须团结一致。
  4. Well aware of the danger he was in, the guerrilla put up a bold front and kept a stiff upper lip.明知自己处境危险,但这个游击队员勇敢对付,顽强不屈。
  1. The hotels front onto the sea.这些宾馆都是面朝大海。
  2. Someone else will front for him in court.别人将为他在法庭上辩护。
  1. The man sitting in front of me is asleep.坐在我前面的人在睡觉。
  2. Can you see a red car in front of that house?你能看到那所房子前面的一辆红色汽车吗?


    front用作名词的基本意思是“前面,前部”或“正面”。用于军事上通常译为“前线,战线,阵线”,用于比喻义可表示某项研究的最前沿。front还可用来指人的“外表或样子”,还有“(避暑地的湖滨或海滨的)散步道”“(气)锋”等意思。在口语中可指“作为(秘密、非法活动的)掩蔽物”或“幌子”,其后常接由for引导的短语作其定语。 front在句中多用单数形式,且常与定冠词the连用。
    front用作形容词的基本意思是“前面的,前部的”,也可指“正面的”或“迎面而来的”。在句中常用作定语。 front没有比较级和最高级形式。
    front的基本意思是“作…的正面”,引申可表示“面向”“朝向”。 front既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接简单宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与介词for, on等连用。


  1. 一辆卡车正好停在我家门口,我出不去。

    There is a truck parked before my gate, and I can't get out.

    There is a truck parked in front of my gate, and I can't get out.

    在现代英语中,当表示在具体的地点前面时一般不用before,而往往用in front of。