an independent agency of the United States federal government that maintains fair and free competition; enforces federal antitrust laws; educates the public about identity theft
How to use the fuzzy temperature control command,FTC? 如何使用FTC模糊温度控制指令?
Of manner of their concerned FTC forecasting is theoretic merely by no means. 他们有关FTC态度的猜测绝非仅仅是理论上的。
The fourth chapter discusses limitations on FTC in U.S. internal law. 第四章对美国国内法所规定的外国税收抵免的限额作了讨论。
The third chapter discusses qualifications of FTC in U.S. internal law. 第三章对美国国内法所规定的外国税收抵免的条件作了讨论。
This sort of claim could land the advertiser in trouble with the FTC. 该类声称将为广告主带来与联邦交易委员会间的麻烦。
To obtain more information about this review, contact the FTC's warranty staff. 如果想获得更多的相关信息,请联系联邦贸易委员会的职员。