- Why the hermitage and why in Gethsemane? 为何隐居在革责玛尼?
- We will spend two days in the Garden of Gethsemane. 我们会用两天时间来看客西马尼园发生的事。
- These are our nights of Gethsemane. 这就是我们的蒙难之夜。
- In Gethsemane, Peter and the others had utterly failed. 在客西马尼彼得与其他门徒都全然失败了。
- The Garden of Gethsemane, which means olive press. Jesus was pressed here. 客西马尼园,意思是橄榄闸。耶稣在这里被押。
- Mark, however, does not state that the happening occurred in Gethsemane itself. 不过,马尔谷似乎不只陈述在革择玛尼发生的事情。