Techniques on seedling culture and planting of Cercis gigantean Cheng et Keng f. 巨紫荆的育苗及栽培技术。
The insect was identified as a Scolopendra gigantean, the world's biggest species of centipede. 经证实,这是世界上最大的一类蜈蚣,学名“秘鲁巨人”。
They call 55-million-year-old Diatryma gigantean a terror bird. And the evidence is compelling. 人们把这种生活在5500万年前的大鸟称作恐怖鸟。是很有道理的。
Solidago altissima,Solidago gigantean and Solidago graminifolia originate from North America,nationalized and became exotic invasive species in Europe during the middle of 19th century. 北美一枝黄花 (Solidago altissima)、巨大一枝黄花 (Solidago gigantean)和狭叶一枝黄花 (Solidagograminif olia)原产北美 ,于 19世纪中叶在欧洲归化并成为外来入侵种。