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英音[giv] ;美音[giv] ;

不可数名词: 弹性,伸展性,适应性


1. 给,给予,授予,供给

2. 交给,递给,拿给

3. 赠与


5. 告诉,提供(信息或细节)


7. 使产生(情感或感觉)

8. 传染(疾病)

9. 产生(某种效果、解决办法、结果等)

10. 允许,许可

11. 判处(犯人)若干年监禁


1. 愿意让步,做出让步

2. 弯曲,变松




afford access to

be the cause or source of

contribute to some cause

place into the hands or custody of

give as a present; make a gift of

move in order to make room for someone for something

break down, literally or metaphorically

give or supply

be flexible under stress of physical force

accord by verdict

convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture

the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length

give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause


emit or utter

execute and deliver

endure the loss of

deliver in exchange or recompense

cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense

bestow, especially officially

give or convey physically

give (as medicine)

convey or reveal information

tell or deposit (information) knowledge

transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody

leave with; give temporarily

perform for an audience

present to view

organize or be responsible for

cause to happen or be responsible for

bring about


give food to

convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow


offer in good faith

manifest or show

guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion

submit for consideration, judgment, or use


inflict as a punishment

allow to have or take

consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man

estimate the duration or outcome of something

proffer (a body part)


to give 给与

give for 牺牲交换

give on v.(门、窗等)向着

give in to vt.屈服于,对...让步

give into v.(过道等)通向

give to vt.给,把...给

give of 献出……来帮助别人例句:She really gave of her time to help.她确实抽出时间来帮忙了。

give in v.投降,屈服,让步,交上,宣布

give oneself out as give 自称为

give oneself out for give 自称为

give n.[U] 弹性,伸展性,适应性v.[T] 1. 给,给予,授予,供给2. 交给,递给,拿给3. 赠与4.(向穷人)捐赠,捐助5. 告诉,提供(信息或细节)6.(某人)做

give and take n. 互让,交换,妥协

give one the axe 开除某人,解雇某人

give and go n. 传切上篮

give oneself airs assume [give oneself, put on] airs是习语,意为“装腔作势”,“矫揉造作”,“摆架子”

give one the bag 解雇,辞退