"windows were unglazed to admit as much light and air as possible"
The glassless windows in the garden are not suitable for the surroundings. 这个园林的漏窗设计得和环境不太相称。
Inside, the cool shadows were pierced by shafts of light through glassless windows. 地板肮脏不堪,光线钻过没有玻璃的窗户撒落在屋子的阴暗处。
The manual stamping or casting is used to mold eave tile, drip tile, tile with animals, nail head and glassless window. 琉璃瓦中的勾头,滴水瓦件以及走兽、钉帽、花窗和正吻、垂兽等构件采用手工成型或注浆成型。
A little bit of human courtesy can work wonders: something as simple as asking a glassless recruiter if they need a drink can mark you out from the ravenous crowd. 些许谦恭也许能创造奇迹:比如问一位酒杯空空的招聘人员是否要喝一杯,也许这就能让你在贪婪的人群中脱颖而出,就这么简单。