a zealously energetic person (especially a salesman)
an iron used to press pleats and ridges
an ornamental frill made by pressing pleats
make wavy with a heated goffering iron;
"goffer the trim of the dress"
His clothes are too old with patch and goffer, and slack. But he is neat and cultured fairly. 他的衣服已经很旧,有些地方都打了补丁,还有些地方满是褶子,松松垮垮。但从整体来看,他还算整洁,而且蛮有修养。
Fast food restaurants goffer people on the run everything from fried chicken to fried rice. 快餐店提供赶时间的人各种食物,从炸鸡到炒饭,应有尽有。
Both nature upper eyelid goffer and upper vessel net of margo palpebrae were used as a datum line.According to the base line,double eyelid plasty was performed. 方法根据上睑缘血管网上缘及自然上睑体表皱褶为标准设计650例重睑手术。
The Goffer brothers discussed using the disposable cellphones to call someone they called 'the Greek,' the complaint says. His identity couldn't be determined. 起诉书说,高佛尔兄弟讨论了用一次性手机给某个他们称之为“希腊人”的人打电话的事。这个人的身份无法确定。
1 Hour no air bubble goffer or removal vice etc 1小时,无气泡皱纹水斑和脱落等缺陷
" Fast food restaurants goffer people on the run everything from fried chicken to fried rice. 快餐店提供赶时间的人各种食物,从炸鸡到炒饭,应有尽有。