This friend is Lori Goldston on cello. And this is another guitar player, Pat. 拉大提琴的这位朋友是。
The team, which is led by South African judge Richard Goldstone, was appointed by the UN's Human Rights Council. 该小组由南非大法官理查德.;戈德斯通带领,受联合国人权委员会的指派。
Richard Goldstone has said his team will be impartial, but it is not yet clear whether Israel will co-operate. 理查德.;戈德斯通已声称他们的团队是公正无私的,但是以色列是否给予配合还不明朗。
If Hamas did such things, says Mr Goldstone, they might be judged war crimes too. 古德斯通称,哈马斯如果真的这样做,也会被判战争罪。
In 2007, Farhi, Goldstone and Gutmann showed that a quantum computer can determine who wins a game faster than a classical computer. 而科学家想寻找的答案是宇宙中包括星球在内的各种物质是如何形成的。