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美[grænɪtɪ'zeɪʃən]  英[grænɪtɪ'zeɪʃən]
n.  花岗岩化作用


  1. Our productions is tiles &slabs &bloacks in many kinds of marble &granit &onyx &travertine with the best quality. 主要产品:缟玛瑙;花岗石荒料;花岗石板材;大理石荒料;大理石板材;孔石荒料;孔石板材 .
  2. The results showed follows:(1)The cumulative yield were best in purplish soil within 25 years,in granitization red soil and Quaternary red soil were followed respectively. 结果表明:(1)25年作物累计产量以紫色土为最高,其次是花岗岩红壤,第四纪红壤最低。
  3. It is noted that the distinct function of Caledonian movement in this area is the formation of the linear migmatization and granitization on the basis of rift and tumescence basement. 根据下庄矿田及其外围发现较深变质的岩石和较大规模韧性剪切糜棱岩带,得出下庄矿田是古老基底加里东热穹隆区多次构造、岩浆活动的产物。
  4. Comparison of the Deerni copper/cobalt deposit with the Cyprus copper deposit futher confirms that the former represents a magmatic hydrothermal deposit having a genetic relation to the biotite granitization during the Indo Chinese epoch. 通过对德尔尼铜?钴矿床与塞浦路斯铜矿的对比,进一步明确了德尔尼铜?钴矿床为与印支期黑云花岗岩有成因联系的岩浆热液矿床。
  5. Keywords granit ceramic tile polishing wheel; 花岗石;瓷质玻化砖;抛光磨块;
  6. Keywords old deposit;granit;ore-forming process;Wulashan Inner Mongolia.; 金矿床;花岗岩;成矿作用;内蒙古乌拉山;