Noun- the principal sacred text of Sikhism contains hymns and poetry as well as the teachings of the first five gurus
- Discussions on skills required to writing and evaluating a "granth(a)" were already in vogue during the Ramayanic era. 对书写技巧的要求和对手稿的评价在罗摩时期就已经流行。
- He invested the Adi Granth (or Granth Sahib) as the immortal Guru of the Sikhs and also compiled his writings in the Dasam Granth. 他授予《阿第格兰斯》(或称为《本初经》)为锡克教不朽的古鲁,也把他的著作编纂入《第十经》里去。
- Sikhism is open to all through the teachings of its ten Gurus enshrined in the Sikh Holy Book and Living Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib. 锡克教开放铭记在锡克教圣典和活古鲁《什礼·古鲁·格兰特·萨荷伯》里十位古鲁的所有教导。
- Religious services, which include hymn-singing, readings from the Guru Granth (the Sikh Holy Book) and sermons by the priest, are held every Sunday morning. 该庙逢星期日早上举行崇拜,节目包括唱诗、读经、祭司讲道等。
- There is no professional Sikh priesthood: adults of either sex are eligible to carry out religious ceremonies, which consist largely in the reading of the Granth. 锡克教没有专业的祭司:任何性别的成年人都符合条件去履行宗教祭礼,主要是阅读锡克教的《圣典》。
- Religious services,which include hymn-singing,readings from the Guru Granth (the Sikh Holy Book) and sermons by the priest,are held every Sunday morning. 该庙逢星期日早上举行崇拜,节目包括唱诗、读经、祭司讲道等。