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美[ɡrɪp]  英[ɡrɪp]
n.  紧握;手提包;了解;手柄
vt.  吸引;紧抓
  副词:grippingly  名词:gripper  过去式:gripped  过去分词:gripped  现在分词:gripping  第三人称单数:grips


  1. 紧握,抓牢;紧咬;紧夹
  2. 控制,掌握,支配
  3. 握法
  4. 吸引力
  5. 理解(力)
  6. 手提包;旅行袋
  7. 柄,把手
  8. 舞台工作人员
  9. 握手暗号
  10. 夹,钳
  1. 吸住(注意力)
  2. 掌握,控制,支配
  3. 握牢,抓住,紧抓,握住,牢牢抓住,揪住
  4. 扣住,刹住
  5. 领会,了解,把握
  6. 紧紧地卡住;紧缠着
  7. 使感兴趣
  8. 使激动
  9. 对…产生强有力的影响
  10. 紧咬,紧夹
  11. 与…作握手暗号
  12. 使固定


  1. [C]紧握,抓牢 a very tight forceful hold
  2. [S]掌握,控制 control
  3. [S]理解力,控制力 power of understanding or doing
  4. [C]握法,手法 a special way of holding
  5. [C]发夹; 把手 wire pin with two prongs for keeping hair tidy; handle
  1. vt. & vi. 紧握,抓紧 take and keep a firm hold of; seize firmly
  2. vt. 吸引,引起 attract (sb's) attention; lead to (sth)


  1. the act of grasping;

    "he released his clasp on my arm" "he has a strong grip for an old man" "she kept a firm hold on the railing"

  2. the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it;

    "he grabbed the hammer by the handle" "it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip"

  3. a portable rectangular container for carrying clothes;

    "he carried his small bag onto the plane with him"

  4. the friction between a body and the surface on which it moves (as between an automobile tire and the road)
  5. worker who moves the camera around while a film or television show is being made
  6. an intellectual hold or understanding;

    "a good grip on French history" "they kept a firm grip on the two top priorities" "he was in the grip of a powerful emotion" "a terrible power had her in its grasp"

  7. a flat wire hairpin whose prongs press tightly together; used to hold bobbed hair in place;

    "in Britain they call a bobby pin a grip"

  1. hold fast or firmly;

    "He gripped the steering wheel"

  2. to grip or seize, as in a wrestling match;

    "the two men grappled with each other for several minutes"

  3. to render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe;

    "The snake charmer fascinates the cobra"


  1. get〔take〕 a grip on紧紧抓住…
  2. have a grip on对…有吸引(力),掌握
  3. keep a grip on抑制…
  4. let go one's grip of sth松开所握之物
  5. lose one's grip失去自制
  6. relax〔release〕 grip松手
  7. tighten grip紧握
  1. firm〔strong, tight〕 grip紧握
  2. loose grip无力的握住
  3. weak grip轻轻的抓住,无力的握住
  1. in a grip of death拼命地
  2. in the grip of受…控制
  3. shake hands with a hearty grip热情地握手
  4. come within the grip of the law落入法网
  1. grip sb's attention吸引某人的注意力
  2. grip hands紧紧握手
  3. grip the railing抓紧栏杆
  1. grip hard握得紧
  2. grip well抓得很稳
  3. grip frantically激动地握住
  4. grip momentarily瞬间抓紧
  5. grip nervously紧张地握紧
  6. grip vigorously使劲抓住
  1. grip between夹在…之间
  2. grip the rifle between sb's knees把长枪夹在某人的双膝之间
  3. grip sth in fear因害怕而抓住


  1. The eagle seized its prey in a tenacious grip.鹰将捕获物紧紧抓住。
  2. The child would not let go his grip on Tom.这孩子紧紧地抓住汤姆不放。
  3. He kept a firm grip on his children.他对小孩管得很严。
  4. It is a leather grip.这是一个皮制手提包。
  5. He is just beginning to get a grip on the subject.他刚刚开始了解这门课。
  6. I try to keep a grip on reality.我极力把握现实。
  7. I need a metal grip.我需要一个金属柄。
  1. The audience were gripped by the play.这群观众被这部戏剧吸引住了。
  2. The frightened child gripped his mother's arm.这个受惊的孩子紧紧地抓着妈妈的胳膊。
  3. Happiness is determined by the dream you grip.握住什么样的梦境,就有什么样的快乐。
  4. I cannot grip his argument.我未能抓住他的论据。


    grip的基本意思是用最大的力量“紧紧抓住”某一事物不放,引申可表示“吸引”某人的注意力或“引起”某人的兴趣等。 grip既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 grip的过去式和过去分词均为gripped