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美[ɡɑːrd]  英[ɡɑːd]
v.  看守;守卫;保卫;提防
n.  警戒;哨兵;防护装置;警卫;【体】后卫
  名词:guarder  过去式:guarded  过去分词:guarded  现在分词:guarding  第三人称单数:guards


  1. 看守,监视,守卫,防守,把守
  2. 控制
  3. 使谨慎
  4. 警惕,提防
  5. 预防,防止,防范
  6. 给...加保护装置
  7. 对...进行校正检查
  8. 保卫,防卫,防护,守护,保护
  9. 监管,管制
  10. 看管,管束
  11. 小心避免,当心
  12. 护送
  1. 看守,守卫,看守员,看守者
  2. 警戒,防守,保卫
  3. 卫兵,哨兵,警卫,警备员
  4. 皇家禁卫军
  5. 防御姿势
  6. 防护装置
  7. 护卫队,警卫队
  8. 防护物
  9. <英>列车长,列车员
  10. 防卫者


  1. vt. & vi. 保护 keep from danger, watchfulness
  2. vt. & vi. 控制 control
  1. [U]警戒,警惕,守卫 state of watchfulness against attack, danger or surprise
  2. [C]警卫人员 (a) person (especially a soldier or policeman)
  3. [U]防御姿势 position of readiness to defend oneself, e.g. in boxing, fencing, bayonet-drill
  4. [C]防护装置 (part of an) article or apparatus designed to prevent injury or loss


  1. a person who keeps watch over something or someone
  2. the person who plays that position on a football team;

    "the left guard was injured on the play"

  3. a device designed to prevent injury or accidents
  4. a posture of defence in boxing or fencing;

    "keep your guard up"

  5. the person who plays the position of guard on a basketball team
  6. a military unit serving to protect some place or person
  7. a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc.;

    "he put an ice pack on the injury as a precaution" "an insurance policy is a good safeguard" "we let our guard down"

  8. the duty of serving as a sentry;

    "he was on guard that night"

  9. (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage;

    "guards must be good blockers"

  10. a position on a basketball team
  1. to keep watch over;

    "there would be men guarding the horses"

  2. watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect;

    "guard my possessions while I'm away"

  3. protect against a challenge or attack;

    "Hold that position behind the trees!" "Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks"

  4. take precautions in order to avoid some unwanted consequence;

    "guard against becoming too friendly with the staff" "guard against infection"


  1. guard a secret守秘密
  2. guard the prisoners看守囚犯
  1. guard well好好保护
  2. guard adequately适当地保护
  3. guard carefully谨慎提防
  4. guard circumspectly谨慎地提防
  5. guard closely严密看守
  6. guard dependably可靠地保护
  7. guard jealously戒备地提防
  8. guard rigidly严守
  9. guard strongly严密地提防
  10. guard zealously积极地提防
  1. guard against防护…的物件
  2. guard of honour仪仗队
  1. beat down sb's guard(拳击、击箭、板球比赛中)冲破某人的防御
  2. call out the guards命令警卫人员行动
  3. catch sb off guard乘其不备,使人措手不及
  4. change guard换岗,交接班
  5. come off guard下岗
  6. drop one's guard失去警惕
  7. go on guard上岗
  8. keep guard站岗,放哨,警戒
  9. keep one's guard up保持警惕
  10. place a guard at the door在门口布岗
  11. put sb on his guard使某人提防〔警惕〕
  12. stand guard for sb为某人站岗〔放哨〕
  13. stand guard over sb守卫〔看守〕某人
  1. imperial guards禁卫军
  1. advance guard前卫,先遣部队,先驱,先锋
  2. color guard(检阅时的)护旗队
  3. home guard〈美〉地方志愿军成员
  4. honour guard仪仗队
  5. knee guard护膝
  6. nose guard〈美〉鼻卫〔中卫〕
  7. palace guard宫廷卫队
  8. police guard治安警卫
  9. prison guard〈美〉监狱看守人
  10. railway guard列车员
  1. off one's guard不提防
  2. on guard当班,在岗上,警惕
  3. under guard押(送),押(运)


  1. He keeps a dog to guard the house.他养一条狗看家。
  2. The dog guarded the house against strangers.狗守卫着房屋,不让陌生人进去。
  3. Ten soldiers were detailed to guard the bridge.十名战士被派去保卫那座桥梁。
  4. You must guard against catching a cold.你必须小心以防感冒。
  1. Be on guard when somebody flatters you.有人奉承你时,一定要当心。
  2. He hit him when his guard was down.他乘其不备击中了他。
  3. A sentry stood on guard at the corner.一个哨兵在角落里站岗。
  4. The guard did not quit his post all night long.那个哨兵整夜都没有离开他的哨位。
  5. Miners wore a helmet as a guard against falling rocks.矿工头戴钢盔, 防护落下的岩石。
  6. The guard unlocked the cuffs of the prisoner.警卫打开了囚犯的手铐。


    guard的基本意思是为防御而进行警戒,可指“保护”“守卫”以防外敌侵入,也可指“看守”“控制”以防内部人外逃。引申可指“防范”“严守机密”“警惕”“预防”等。 guard多用作及物动词,宾语通常是人,宾语后常接介词from表示“保护某人或某物不受…”; 偶尔也可用作不及物动词,与against连用表示“避免”“预防”。 guard的过去分词guarded常用作形容词,在句中可作表语,意为“审慎的”“严守的”。
    guard用作不可数名词时,基本意思是指抽象的“守卫”“警戒”“警惕”的行为,引申可作“防御姿势”解。guard用作可数名词时,意思是“卫兵”“哨兵”“警卫人员”,引申还可指“防护装置”。 guard既可作个体名词,表示“卫兵”“警卫”“看守”等,也可作集合名词,表示“卫队”“警卫队”“仪仗队”。用作集合名词作主语时,根据上下文,其谓语既可以是单数形式,也可以是复数形式。 (the) Guards是“(英国)皇家禁卫军”的意思。


  1. 所有犯人都受到严密的警戒。

    All the prisoners are under a close guard.

    All the prisoners are under close guard.


    If we drop our guards, we shall be fooled.

    If we drop our guard, we shall be fooled.

    guard作“警戒”“警惕”解时,是不可数名词,前面不能加不定冠词,后面不能加 -s 。


    They were caught without guard by the enemy.

    They were caught off (their) guard by the enemy.


    They did their best to keep with their guard.

    They did their best to keep on their guard.

    表示“没有警惕”“毫无准备”时,应该用off (one's) guard,而不是without guard; 相应地,表示“保持警惕”应该用on one's guard而非with guard