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美['ɡʌndɒɡ]  英['ɡʌndɒɡ]
n.  猎犬


  1. The nickname of "supreme gundog" is well earned. 因此为自己挣来了“最好的枪猎犬”的外号。
  2. "But I see you go out to chase a few times, how had never seen you take this gundog? “可我几次见你出去狩猎,怎么从来都没有见过你带这只猎犬呢?”
  3. The Labrador Retriever was developed in England in the mid 1800s by a handful of private kennels dedicated to developing and refining the perfect gundog. 拉拉最早从18世纪中页在英国由一部分致力于培育优良猎犬的人努力发展起来的。
  4. In a man's life, he could be three kinds of dogs; gundog before fall in love with someone; Pekinese after fell in love; and demi-wolf after marriage. 男人一生是三条狗:恋爱之前是猎狗,恋爱后是哈巴狗,结婚后是狼狗。
  5. For gundog, obedience, behavioural problems, dog training and holiday boarding, visit Steve Moran in Cheshire bringing dogs of any breed for ... 为gundog;服从;行为上的问题;爱犬训练和度假的寄宿;访问史蒂夫默然在慈氏使狗任何品种的...
  6. Annual in September, bai Songlou's aroma begins to send out from inside clay, the hunter that finds treasure is taking gundog to feel every night black picked, till snow,the talent ends. 每年9月中,白松露的香气开始从泥土中散发,寻宝的猎人每晚带着猎犬摸黑采摘,直至下雪天才结束。