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美['gəriː]  英['gʌrɪ]
n.  小寨


  1. Part one /by Frederick Abbott, Thomas Cottier &Francis Gurry. 书名 :The international intellectual property system :commentary and materials.
  2. Part two /by Frederick Abbott, Thomas Cottier &Francis Gurry. 书名 :The international intellectual property system :commentary and materials.
  3. Gurry says the increase in patent filing s reflects the country ’s commitment to becoming a hub of innovation . 佛兰克提到专专利批准增长折射出该国家致力于成为改革的中心。
  4. Gurry says the increase in patent filings reflects the country's commitment to becoming a hub of innovation. Gurry说专利证书的增加说明中国正致力发展成为一个创新中心。
  5. Gurry says the increase in patent filings reflects the country's commitment to becoming a (hub) of innovation. “中国居民提交的资料,在中国由中国人提交的资料在2005年之前的10年中增长了834%25,这是个巨大的增长。
  6. Francis Gurry, director of WIPO, says that the extra TLDs may lessen the pressure on the most precious domain of all --.com. 国际知识产权组织的主任弗朗西斯.;加利指出增加一套一级域名或许可以减轻最为稀缺的