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美['dʒaɪəreɪs]  英['dʒaɪəreɪs]
n.  [生化]促旋酶;旋转酶


  1. Antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin can specifically target an essential enzyme called DNA gyrase in bacteria. 像环丙沙星这样的抗生素可以特别的针对细菌中一种基础的叫做DNA促旋酶的酶。
  2. If the bacterium did not protect gyrase, the antibiotic would link to the protein, impede normal replication and cause breaks in DNA that would lead to the bacterial cell's death. 旋转酶是DNA复制时不可或缺的酵素,当它与抗生素结合时,细菌复制过程就会受影响,使得DNA断裂,最后导致细菌细胞死亡。
  3. The acrAB locus encode the efflux pump AcrAB,which confers multidrug tolerance,controlled by the regulon marRAB. Mutation in the gyrase and topoisomerase IV lead to fluoroquinolones resistance, mainly arise in gyrA and parC genes. AcrAB外流泵系统的合成有多重耐药调节子 (marRAB)调控 ,AcrAB与多种抗生素的耐药有关。 拓扑异构酶 (topoisomerase)的突变主要与氟喹诺酮类药物的耐药性有关 ,突变主要发生在gyrA ,parC基因上
  4. Onodera Y,Okuda J,Tanaka M,et al.Inhibitory activities of quinolones against DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV of enterococcus faecalis[J].Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2002,46(6):1800. 刘志远许淑珍马纪平.;肠球菌庆大霉素高水平耐药机理的研究进展[J]
  5. The authors confirm their findings by showing that chemical or genetic preention of gyrase inhibitor-induced oxidatie damage protects from the bactericidal action of quinolone antibiotics. 使用化学或基因学的方法防止回旋酶抑制剂诱导的氧化损伤,即可对喹诺酮类抗生素的杀菌作用产生保护作用,研究者们由此证实了他们的发现。
  6. Keywords Mycobacterium tuberculosis;Gyrase;DNA;Interaction; 结核分枝杆菌;螺旋酶;DNA;相互作用;