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美['hætlɪs]  英['hætlɪs]
adj.  不戴帽子的


  1. not wearing a hat;

    "stood hatless in the rain with water dripping down his neck"


  1. Next time I saw him, he was walking hatless along the street at dusk. 我第二次看见他是傍晚的时候,他光着头在街上走。
  2. Chueh-hui clapped with all his might as rain drenched his hatless head. 觉慧也在人丛中拚命地拍掌。雨点不停地落在他的未戴帽子的头上,把他的头发打湿了。
  3. She was hatless and white faced and her long grey hair streamed down her back as she lashed the horse like a Fury. 她头上没戴帽子,面孔雪白。她狠狠地抽着那匹马,灰色的长头发在背脊上飘漾。
  4. Two copies of completed application forms, each attached with a recent 2-inch bust and hatless photos. 入学申请表一式2份,贴妥2吋脱帽半身正面之相片一式2张。
  5. He was without a greatcoat and soaked to the skin. He was hatless and his black hair was plastered to his little skull. 他没有穿大衣,浑身都被雨淋透了,帽子也没戴,一头黑发在小脑壳上。
  6. Two copies of completed application forms, each attached with a recent 2-in bust and hatless photos. 申請表上。(第一份申請表貼1張,第二份申請表貼1張)。