vagueness attributable to being not clearly defined
cloudiness resulting from haze or mist or vapor
This adds shade and contrast color to the picture and eradicates the haziness. 在您使用舒心的同时,让您花最少的钱!
So we took the elevator to the top of ESB.We looked into the distance and, sure enough, everything was in haziness. 于是,我们乘登顶电梯来到了帝国大厦顶楼,举目望去,眼前果然模糊一片。
It is going to take a significant clearing of this haziness for investors to back this stock. 要让投资者支持新浪的股票,就需要厘清这种不确定的状态。
Nuclear sclerosis appears as a bilateral bluish-grey haziness at the nucleus, or center of the lens. 该疾病是晶状体核两侧或中心部位出现灰蓝色雾状物。
Body language is a means of nonverbal communication of mankind.Its characteristics are implication, haziness and humor. 体态语是人类交际中常见的一种非言语交际手段,其特点是具有含蓄、朦胧美和幽默感。
The coronary arteriogram disclosed patent coronary artery with slight intraluminal haziness in the proximal left anterior descending artery. 在病况稳定后进行冠状动脉摄影,结果显示冠状动脉是畅通的。只有在左前降枝近端有轻微管内血栓。