the property of being comparatively great in weight;
"the heaviness of lead"
persisting sadness;
"nothing lifted the heaviness of her heart after her loss"
an oppressive quality that is laborious and solemn and lacks grace or fluency;
"a book so serious that it sometimes subsided into ponderousness" "his lectures tend to heaviness and repetition"
used of a line or mark
unwelcome burdensome difficulty
For such a sensitive and emotional poet, Wen Yi-Duo, it is more unbearable heaviness.对于闻一多这样敏感且多情的诗人而言,更是难以接受的重。
The child then reveals himself to be the Christ child and his heaviness due to the weight of the world on his shoulders.而婴儿向他透露自己乃上帝之子,自己重量如此之巨是因为肩上负有世界之重。
The child then reveals himself to be the Christ child and his heaviness due to the weight of the world on his shoulders.而婴儿向他透露自己乃上帝之子,自己重量如此之巨是因为肩上负有世界之重。