A horrible heffalump is hiding in Pooh's house! Is it under the bed? In his honey cupboard? Or is it just a bad dream? 小熊维尼做恶梦了,这到底是怎麽一回事呢?小熊维尼系列是家喻户晓的故事,本书适合8岁以上儿童阅读。
Mrs Heffalump takes the recalcitrant to the school library and pulls out a well-thumbed copy of Plato’s Meno from out of the blue bookcase. 大象女士把这个执拗的小家伙带到学校图书馆,在蓝色书架里拿出本翻烂了的柏拉图。
Mrs Heffalump explains that in the dialogue Socrates asks Meno to describe to him the nature of ‘virtue’, that desirable and‘advantageous’ characteristic which ‘makes us good’. 大象开始阐释苏格拉底让柏拉图描述德行的对话,什么样的德行是我们需要的,有利于我们的,让明天会更好哈。