the strait between the Aegean and the Sea of Marmara that separates European Turkey from Asian Turkey
Thus the sea of Helle,Hellespont,became the ancient name of the strip of water. 在那里,法瑞克斯将公羊献给了宙斯;
A youth who loved Hero and drowned during one of his nightly swims across the Hellespont to be with her. 勒安得耳爱恋海洛的年轻人,每夜泅渡到达达尼尔海峡与她相会,后被淹死
In 492 BC Darius gathered together a great military force and sent 600 ships across the Hellespont. 公元前492年,大流士聚集了巨大的兵力,派遣600艘船,横过达达尼尔海峡。
Thus the sea of Helle, Hellespont, became the ancient name of the strip of water. 这片海洋古时候的名称叫赫勒之海, 赫勒拉旁海峡便由此而来。
They were sep-arated from each other by the waters of the Hellespont, the AegeanSea, and the Mediterranean. 它们之间被达达尼尔海峡、爱琴海和地中海的水域相分隔。
An ancient town of Asia Minor on the Asiatic coast of the Hellespont in modern-day Turkey. It was the scene of the legendary tale of Hero and Leander. 阿比杜斯小亚细亚的一个古老城镇,位于今天土耳其达达尼尔海峡的亚洲海岸。希罗与勒安得耳的传说即发生于此地。