The era that made the Hippodrome famous lives on in the American memory. 然而,那个辉煌的时代还是让竞技场剧院活在所有美国人的回忆里。
But on August 16, 1939, the Hippodrome closed its doors for the last time. 但是在1939年8月16日,竞技场剧院在最后一场表演退出后,也正式关闭了。
After it closed its doors in1939, the Hippodrome Theater presented its final spectacle: the building's demolition. 在竞技场剧院于1939年关闭前,最后一场表演是:建筑物的破坏。
The originals were stolen from Constantinople's hippodrome, or chariot racing arena, during the Fourth Crusade. 原物是在第四次十字军东征中,从君士坦丁堡的赛马场中偷出来的。
The carriage-way round the circular railing presented such a magnificent hippodrome. 环绕圆形栏杆的车道象座富丽堂皇的竞技
But by the late 1920s, the growing popularity of motion pictures replaced the vaudeville acts and circus spectacles presented at the Hippodrome. 但是在1920年代晚期,电影吸引了大批观众,使得杂耍表演与马戏团表演的观众大量流失,竞技场剧院的人气也不如以往。