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美['haɪdroʊbaɪ'ɒlədʒɪ]  英['haɪdrəʊbaɪ'ɒlədʒɪ]
n.  流体生物学
  形容词:hydrobiological  名词:hydrobiologist


  1. Please take me to Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS. Thanks! 请送我到中国科学院水生生物研究所(武昌珞珈山东湖南路7号,经洪山礼堂至东湖边)谢谢!
  2. Today the articles reflect the journal's title: Hydrobiology. 如今,它所发表的文章反映了该刊的题名:水生生物学。
  3. On the premise of protecting river hydrobiology habitat,ecological water demand in mountainous rivers was studied. 主要从保护河流水生生物栖息地出发,探讨山区河流生态需水量问题。
  4. The paper deals with the progress of acute and chronic toxicity test on hydrobiology and mechanism of poisoning with pyrethroid pesticides. 报道了拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂对水生生物的急、慢性毒性和中毒机理的研究进展,阐述了有待研究的方向。
  5. "We can't say the white-flag dolphin is extinct," vice director of the hydrobiology institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as saying. 正如前面所引述的材料,白鳍豚仅生存于我国最长的河流,长江之中。
  6. This paper evaluated the structure of hydrobiology and nutrification of water body of Dahuofang Reservoir,comprehensively. 文章重点对大伙房水库水生生物结构与水体富营养化进行了较为系统的评价。