- "Hyman Roth will never see the New Year. " ( 见不到明天早上的太阳老。。
- Do you accept your lover had her hyman fixed? [size=+1] 你赞同初女膜修补术吗?
- Carey, James. Communication as Culture. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989. 詹姆斯·凯利:《作为文化的传播》。波士顿:恩文?海曼出版社,1989年版。
- This is the line of argument associated with the late Hyman Minsky. 另一个观点是,这一切都源于自古以来就存在的愚蠢。
- Professor Hyman Kublin taught Will Durant’s book on “The Oriental Heritage”. 我当时对古典中国传统和犹太传统之间的相似感到震撼。
- Hyman was released while Neill was handcuffed and taken away in a police car. 海曼得到释放,然而尼尔却被铐上手铐,由一辆警车带走了。