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美[ˌhaɪpəˌkerə'toʊtɪk]  英[ˌhaɪpəˌkerə'təʊtɪk]
adj.  角化过的


  1. The clinical and histological differences between classical and hyperkeratotic form of PK and the etiology of PK are discussed. 并且讨论一般的汗孔角化症和过度角化型米贝利汗孔角化症在临床和病理上的不同,以及它的致病原因。
  2. Herein, we describe a 20 year-old male with hard, hyperkeratotic plaques on his palms and soles since his birth. 在此我们报导一名20岁男性病人,在出生不久即被发现手掌脚掌有角质过厚现象;
  3. A 34-year-old woman presented with a hyperkeratotic plaque on her right big toe for more than 20 years. 摘要一位三十四岁女性,二十多年来右大脚指有一角化硬块。
  4. We report a rare, hyperkeratotic form of porokeratosis of Mibelli in a patient with hepatocellular cell carcinoma, hepatitis B and recurrent hypoglycemia. 我们报告一位患有肝细胞癌、B型肝炎以及反覆性低血糖的病人,身上同时有罕见的过度角化型米贝利汗孔角化症的皮肤病变。
  5. Histological examination showed, beneath a mild acanthotic and hyperkeratotic epidermis, there was a basophilic band in the upper dermis. 组织病理学检查见表皮角质层增厚,部分棘层轻度肥厚,真皮上部有呈水平方向的带状结缔组织区,轻度嗜碱性变;
  6. Prurigo nodularis (PN) is a chronic pruritic dermatosis of unknown etiology, characterized by firm, symmetrically localized hyperkeratotic pruritic papules and nodules. 结节性痒疹为一病因未明的慢性瘙痒性发疹性皮肤病。其特点为突出于皮面的角化过度的丘疹、结节,剧烈瘙痒,呈对称性分布。