In other words, men and women began to develop a highly sensitive, hypersexual attitude toward each other. 换一句话说,饮食男女们逐渐养成了以敏感和对性的过度兴趣的态度对待彼此。
The same occurs with hard core and blue porn : the sexual organ, whether erect or open wide is just another sign in the hypersexual panoply.Phallus-design. 相同的存在于硬核和色情文学上面: 那些性器官,是竖着的还是开的宽宽的,只是一副性欲极强的盔甲表面的迹象: 阴茎设计。
Seven of these 38 users developed a compulsive syndrome, with two starting pathologic gambling, two becoming hypersexual and three developing both conditions. 在这38人中,有七人出现了强迫症的症状,其中两人开始出现病态的赌博行为,两人变得性欲过度,还有三人两种情况都有。