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美[ˌhaɪpəˌjʊrɪ'siːmiːə]  英[haɪpərjʊə'rɪsəmɪə]
n.  <主美>=hyperuricaemia 高尿酸血症,尿酸过多


  1. "Our results identify XOR as a potential therapeutic target for metabolic abnormalities beyond hyperuricemia," the researchers said. 研究人员说“我们的结果将XOR确定为超常高尿酸血症代谢异常的潜在治疗靶向”。
  2. This was similar to the effects of hyperuricemia, smoking, and alcohol drinking. 相同的现象可见于高尿酸血症,抽菸及喝酒。
  3. Objective To investigate the relationship between hyperuricemia, glycometabolic disorder, lipoidosis and hypertension. 摘要目的探讨高尿酸血症和糖、脂代谢紊乱及高血压之间的关系。
  4. Although 31% of patients revealed hyperuricemia (10/32), only 3 of them developed gouty arthritis. 31%25曾出现高尿酸血症(10/32),但只有三位确实有痛风性关节炎。
  5. Of note, in gout/ hyperuricemia subjects with normal renal function, 7.1% already had small kidney size. 值得注意的是,合并肾髓质钙化症的痛风病人中,虽然肾脏功能正常,却有7.;1%25的病人肾脏已萎缩。
  6. Objective: To establish hyperuricemia model of female quail,and to study its pathological feature. 目的:建立雌性鹌鹑高尿酸血症模型并探讨其病理特征。