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美[haɪpoʊ'dʒenɪsɪs]  英[haɪpəʊ'dʒenɪsɪs]
n.  [医]发育不良


  1. Puerile cerebral palsy is syndrome of cerebra trauma,which is concomitant with functional obstacles and hypogenesis. 小儿脑性瘫痪是一种大脑受损的综合症,伴有多种功能障碍和发育缺陷。
  2. Conclusion Stomach perforation in newborns is caused by congenital gastric wall hypogenesis and high tensile of stomach lead to anoxemia.The key of increasing cure rate i... 结论新生儿胃穿孔多因先天性胃壁肌层发育不良及胃内张力增高缺血缺氧所致。
  3. There was a close relationship between the expression of the VEGF and the angiopoiesis The low expression of VEGF may be the cause of hypogenesis of the villi. 3. VEGF的表达与绒毛血管形成密切相关,其表达降低是绒毛发育不良的主要原因,其低表达与URSA的发生存在着相关关系;
  4. Tight underwear may also press breasts and lead to impaired blood circulation, which may result in swollen pain and hypogenesis of breasts, and have bad effects on figure and suckle. 胸部对于少女很重要,不仅可以塑造优美的曲线,还在哺育下一代时起到了极其重要的作用,为其选择一款合适的“衣裳”,可以非常有效的保证“她”的健康。
  5. How to deal with hipbone hypogenesis for dog 犬髋关节发育不良怎么办
  6. oromandibular limb hypogenesis syndrome 口下颌四肢发育不全综合征