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美[aɪ'ætrɪk]  英[aɪ'ætrɪk]
adj.  医师的;医药的;医疗的;药物的


  1. Computerized administration of the iatric consumptive. materials.It's one of the modernize storehouse administration. 医用消耗材料库房的网络化管理,是现代化库房管理的标志之一。
  2. It is inevitable for the use of iatric consumptive material in hospital to increase along with the increase of the surgery patient s amount. 医院医疗耗材使用,随着就医病员尤其是手术病人的增加是必然的。
  3. The American Academy of Pediatrics cadimin of PD iatric Says young Autistic children should enter (under) some kind of learning program. 美国儿科医学院称,患有孤独症的孩子应该介入一些学习性的方案。
  4. The raw materials and technologies for iatric fiber were reviewed,as was the application of iatric fiber in novel drug delivery system(DDS). 综述了制备药物纤维的材料和技术以及药物纤维在新型给药系统(DDS)中的应用。
  5. However,they are different in their cultural foundations,iatric bases,the origins of mental disorder,and the conceptions and ways of psychotherapy. 差异主要表现在文化根基、医学基础、心理问题的起因及治疗的理念、方法与途径等方面。
  6. The analysis of this case stepped from the technical layer, discussing the first attempt of the Regional Iatric Group management mode, a new management mode of hospital in China. 本案例研究重点从技术层面分析、探讨“区域性医疗集团”这一新型医院运营模式在中国的初次实践。