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n.  伊比比奥族人[语]


  1. The Ibibio, numbering 3 million, are mainly rain-forest cultivators. 人数约有三百万人,大都在雨林中从事耕种。
  2. The Ibibio are noted for their wood sculptures of ancestor figures (ekpu). 伊比比奥人以雕刻祖先人物的精湛木雕著称。
  3. Any of several West African languages belonging to the South Central Niger-Congo language family, including Efik, Ewe, Ibibio, Ibo, and Yoruba. 克瓦语任何一种属于中南尼日尔-刚果语系的西非语言,包括埃菲克语、埃维语、伊比比奥语、伊博语和约鲁巴语
  4. People of southeastern Nigeria who speak Ibibio, a Benue-Congo language of the Niger-Congo family. 奈及利亚东南部民族。操伊比比奥语,属尼日-刚果语系贝努埃-刚果语支。
  5. "The Niger-Congo language of the Efik people, closely related to Ibibio." "埃菲克人讲的班图语;与伊比比奥语相似.;"
  6. any of several West African languages belonging to the South Central Niger-Congo language family,including Efik,Ewe,Ibibio,Ibo,and Yoruba 克瓦语,任何一种属于中南尼日尔-刚果语系的西非语言,包括埃菲克语、埃维语、伊比比奥语、伊博语和约鲁巴语