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美[ɪdɪoʊ'plæzmɪk]  英[ɪdɪəʊ'plæzmɪk]
adj.  种质的;细胞原质的


  1. Protection of idioplasm resources of Asarum sieboldii Miq. 华细辛种质资源保护的研究。
  2. The r-line idioplasm mainly is the kaoliang and trend kaoliang type. 恢复系的种质主要是中国高粱和倾中国高粱类型。
  3. Baaed on the results of survey and study in several years, species, quantity and distribution of Castanea idioplasmic resources in Anhui Province were summarized systematically. 摘要在多年深入调查研究的基础上,系统地总结了安徽省栗属资源的种类、数量及分布情况;
  4. Liu Z L, Cheng R H, Huang W S, Qu Z F, Liu J X.Innovation of super-prematurity new millet idioplasm with sweet straw and multi-spike. 刘正理;程汝宏;黄文胜;曲祝丰;刘君馨.;甜秆多穗型超早熟谷子新种质的创新
  5. Due to the over-diggings, the amount of natural Asarum sieboldii Miq. decreases quickly.So, the protection of Asarum sieboldii Miq. idioplasm resources is exeremely urgent. 由于过度采挖,野生资源锐减,保护华细辛种质资源迫在眉睫。
  6. This article think that the famous-region drug is Chinese crude drug that coming from definited place, having definited idioplasm, high-quailty and good effect. 2. 本文认为,“道地药材”是来源于特定产区、具备特定种质、具有优良品质且功效卓著的药材。