"This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps" "We memorialized the Dead"
make famous forever;
"This melody immortalized its composer"
To make perpetually famous;immortalize. 使享盛名,使不朽
A mortal thing so to immortalize. 妄想使世间凡俗的事物不朽。
To make perpetually famous; immortalize. 使享盛名,使不朽
In the movies, what drink did James Bond immortalize? 电影007中詹姆斯邦德成就了哪一款鸡尾酒?
The heartbroken emperor resolved to immortalize her memory by creating the finest monument ever seen, the Taj Mahal. 悲痛欲绝的皇帝于是决定建造一座人间最华丽的陵墓--泰姬陵--来永远怀念亡妻。
In one of the stories, Huang Emperor Xuan Yuan succeeded to immortalize himself after excellent practice in Huangshan. 其中之一说的是轩辕黄帝在黄山得道成仙。