Firstly, there is some imparity in people"s thought. 投资体制的不合理是导致我国基础教育非均衡发展的根本原因。
Much to a regret, Giddens somewhat ignores the problem of imparity in the course of modernity globalization. 吉登斯对全球化的思考很有价值,但他对"现代性的全球化"过程中的不平等性等有所忽略。
Gini coefficient arid Theil index are both guidelines to weigh imparity, their factor analysis are the better method to clarify income disparity. 摘要基尼系数和泰尔熵指标都是衡量不平等性的重要指标,特别是它们的分解能进一步对不平等性进行因素分析。
Male, female the cent that is sexual distinction only originally, the difference of nonexistent equality and imparity. 男、女本只是性别之分,不存在平等与不平等的差别。
Open the imparity agreement that give to also be signed to a few units, to work in the future brought hidden trouble. 对于一些单位开出的不平等协议也签订,给日后工作带来了隐患。
The idea of equality of men and women or imparity, the idea that is him people completely just. 男女平等或不平等的观念,完全是人们自己的观念而已。