Some might think her reticence a cloak for stupidity;but circumspect as she was she prided herself on hers implicity. "罕言寡语;人谓藏愚;安分随时;自云守拙.;"
UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the implicity. 连一个系统从不同的层次看去都是简洁的。怎么才能领会?
Artistic blankness was one of the methods Shen Cong-wen used to express implicity. 艺术空白则是沈从文含蓄表达的一种方式。
By stipulating blood money should be paid for underage girls who are raped, human rights groups allege it also implicity sanctions child abuse. 法律还规定给于被强奸的未成年少女抚恤金,人权机构指出这个条款在暗示中制裁了虐待儿童的行为。
Ages and ages ago, Fu Xi assigned to the existing patterns emblematic implic ation from two Yi's and four Xiang's of Yin Yang. 远古的伏羲 ,只是将这样的现成图像赋予了阴阳两仪与四象的含义。
Maintains The Idea Implicity Means Beauty Clear Personality.smooth Limes.Strong Modern Sense And Current Creation Show The Soul Of Beauty,such Features Set Up A Permanent Classic. 倡导一种“简单就是美”的观念,个性鲜明,线条流畅,具有强烈的现代感和创新意识的设计反映出一种内质美,着力打造一种恒远的经典。